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The Difference Between Simple and Easy

Take a moment to reflect and ask yourself, what makes you more afraid?  Is it not living your life in comfort, or your life coming to a conclusion with regrets?

I ask this question to express that simple and easy are not the same thing.

You see, it’s easy to find comfort, it's easy to be in a routine, to do the same things and think the same thoughts day after day until you are not aware of your thoughts and actions anymore.  That is why they call it the comfort zone after all.

 It’s easy to go to work, to enjoy your activities of relaxation and leisure, to settle for what you have and your lifestyle.  But how you got there might not have been so simple.

This is because what is defined as simple can only start as a mental construct.

It’s simple to fantasize about your goals and dreams.  It’s simple to picture your dream life, your dream job, your dream body, and your ideal circumstances.  But when you try to think of how to get there, to make your dreams a reality, the answers cannot be easily seen.

Even the lesson we learn from this difference of simple and easy, the lesson itself is simple…. but not easy.

You have to get out of your comfort zone and explore new avenues, take on new challenges, manage new responsibilities, obtain discipline, and embrace failure, and none of those things are easy.

Our dreams rarely fall into our lap, you have to work.  You have to maintain an unwavering belief in yourself that you can achieve anything.  You have to be aware of the thoughts that don’t serve you, the actions that are counterproductive, and be aware of how you use your time.  You have to reprogram your brain to think, act, and produce differently.

When you fail you don’t dwell on it, you see failure as an opportunity to learn.  You don’t take it personal, instead you improve, you self-educate, and you try again.  You can only truly fail if you give up.

You are the creator of your reality, in multiple ways.  You can change how you perceive your life moment to moment.  When something bad happens to you, you can dwell on it and stay stuck in that moment, or you can spin it into something that is useful for you.  See every potentially negative event as something gained instead of something lost.  You will always gain knowledge, strength, resilience, and gratitude through every experience if we train our mind to create it through our thoughts.

You must always follow your passion.  You see everything is energy, and we create in our life what we are energetically aligned with.  You align yourself to your dreams through passion, love, and other highly positive emotions.  If you are passionate about what you are going for and you love going through the process to get there, you will in fact create it into your physical world.  However, if you do not enjoy it and get frustrated, you will stay aligned with your current energy and circumstances.

Lastly, you must change the language that you use.  Words such as should and need must be changed to, “I am” going to do this.  This subtle but powerful shift in language will eliminate procrastination and position you into a state of action.

Every action gets you closer to your goals.  Even if they may be far away, action, self-belief, and positivity will keep progressing you forward and drawing your dreams towards you, until they are in your reality. 

I challenge you to stay aware of your thoughts and add these disciplines into your life so you can achieve all you set out to accomplish and experience.


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